Ask NASCA › State Department of Agriculture- Staff Training
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Jennifer Thum
The Indiana State Department of Agriculture- Division of Soil Conservation needs a training program for new and current staff. Our current program is lacking, and rather than recreate the wheel, we were wondering if other NASCA members housed in state departments of agriculture could be kind enough to share their process and any supporting documentation. We would greatly appreciate your help.
Johnna McHugh<p style=”text-align: left;”>Jennifer, do you mean Division of Soil Conservation staff or conservation district staff?</p>
Brandy MyersHello Jennifer,
I am the Training Program Cooridnator for the Division of Soil and Water Conservation in North Carolina and would happy to share some resources. Additionally, there is a group of individuals that meet monthly, Conservation Training Exchange, where folks can talk about training initiatives and resource sharing. We have a share drive set up with some goodies. Contact me and I would be happy to set up a time to chat and send you the information for that group if you’re interested.
Brandy Myers
Training Program Cooridnator
NCDA&CS: Division of Soil and Water Conservation
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Clancy GreenHi Jennifer,
We do monthly Teams Training sessions with our districts and then provide a written “Training Takeaway” document for them to use as resource and to share with the board/supervisors. We focus on a different topic each month (everything from operations to new programs to benefits) so it is more of a regular refresher training than onboarding for new staff. I’d be happy to share more details if you’re interested. The takeaway documents are also available on our website; here’s a direct link to one: